North Torrance Troop 242 Recognizes Its Newest Eagle Scout
TORRANCE — Boy Scout Troop 242, based at Christ the King Lutheran Church in Torrance, will hold its next Eagle Court of Honor on Oct. 1.
Ryan Saruwatari
The troop’s newest Eagle Scout, Ryan Yoshiro Saruwatari, son of Alan and Traci Saruwatari, is a graduate of North Torrance High School. He was a two-year member of the baseball team, member of Human Relations Ambassadors, vice president of Fellowship of Christian Athletes and Students Run L.A., and technical director for Stage Tech. He also played basketball for the FOR Thunder.
Ryan has attended Faith United Methodist Church in Torrance since preschool and has been active in its TGIF and MYF youth groups and counseled Faith’s Day Camp. He has also been a counselor for two years for the United Methodist Jr. High Camp and participated in the Asian American Summer Camp.
Ryan began scouting when he was 6 years old as a Tiger Cub in Cub Scout Pack 862. During his time in the pack, he and his younger brother Cory received a special commendation for putting out a fire at a nearby park. Ryan “bridged” into Boy Scout Troop 719 and then transferred to Troop 242. He held the positions of den chief, assistant patrol leader, troop guide and senior patrol leader.
For his Eagle project, Ryan rebuilt two benches and reset pavers for Christ the King Lutheran Church as they were a safety hazard for the members of the church. In addition, his project also refinished seven framed historical boards of the churches photos and articles. On Sept. 24, 2015, Ryan achieved the rank of Eagle Scout.
Currently, Ryan is attending El Camino College, where he plans to begin his pursuit of becoming a firefighter. This has been his lifelong career ambition that started before he turned 3 years old.