Midori Kai Arts and Crafts Boutique on Saturday
Midori Kai Grant Chairperson Pam Yoshida (left) and former Midori Kai President June Sakamoto (right) with representatives of the 2017 grant recipients, Yu-Ai Kai, Asian American Recovery Services, Asian Women’s Shelter-SF, and Fred T. Korematsu Institute (represented by Karen Korematsu, third from right).
MOUNTAIN VIEW — The annual Midori Kai Arts and Crafts Boutique will be held on Saturday, Sept. 8, from 9 to 4 p.m. at Mountain View Buddhist Temple, 575 N. Shoreline Blvd. in Mountain View.
Many talented and creative artisans will offer handcrafted jewelry, clothing and pottery.
The event will also feature Asian foods, drawings throughout the day, and entertainment by the Lotus Preschool Singers at 10:30 a.m. and Heiwa Taiko at 2 p.m.
Midori Kai reserves 100 percent of boutique proceeds for grants to support selected nonprofit organizations. This year, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the following recipients: Asian Pacific American Leadership Institute, Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach, Japanese American Museum of San Jose, and Yu-Ai Kai Keiro Kai Program.
For more information, contact Phyllis Osaki at (925) 596-1770 or posaki@gsmanagement.com or Marsha Baird at (510) 579-1518 or marshabaird@me.com or visit www.midorikai.com. Do NOT call Mountain View Buddhist Temple.