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JA Women’s Giving Circle Honors Julia Tani

Back row, from left: JAWGC board member Nicole Cherry, JAWGC awardee Julia Tani, JAWGC co-founders Silvia Yoshimizu-Yee, Lauren Kinkade-Wong, and Akiko Hattori. Front row: Children of JAWGC members.

The Japanese American Women’s Giving Circle (JAWGC) announced that its fourth annual awardee is Julia Tani, a member of the 2016 Nisei Week Court.

An additional donation of $300 was made to her platform, PATH (People Assisting the Homeless).

The presentation was made during the Nisei Week Closing Ceremony on Aug. 27 in Little Tokyo.

Tani, who was named Miss Tomodachi last year, and her fellow court members participated in various activities during the 77th Nisei Week Japanese Festival, ending with the public ondo on First Street.

The JAWGC is a group of like-minded philanthropists committed to empowering and nurturing other Japanese American women who wish to give back to their Japanese American communities of Southern California.

The group is multi-generational, composed of both former Nisei Week Court members and non-court members alike. Members envision a forum that helps to promote the aspirations of women of Nisei Week with the intent of motivating them to remain active within the Japanese American community even after their reigns on the Nisei Week Court have ended.

The JAWGC was founded by members of the 2001 Nisei Week Court, who had a desire to provide long-lasting support to the Japanese American community.

For more information, visit

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