Go Fund Me Page Launched for OC Gakuen

Volunteers at Orange Coast Gakuen’s food booth.
A Go Fund Me page has been launched for Orange Coast Gakuen in Huntington Beach, which was robbed while operating a food booth at the Orange International Street Fair.
Surveillance video showed the thief, who had apparently been observing the booth for hours, slipping into and out of the booth from the back on the evening of Sept. 2, completely unnoticed by dozens of people walking by.
The page (https://www.gofundme.com/nonprofit-school-got-robbed) was started by Uyen Do on Sept. 13. As of Monday evening, $4,865 had been raised from 61 people toward the $15,000 goal. The page gives the following explanation:
“Orange Coast Gakuen is a nonprofit school that teaches Japanese, and a terrible thing happened to them over the past Labor Day weekend. During their annual fundraiser, they were robbed of a huge sum.
“As a friend of the school, I saw how so many of the parents, teachers, and students were out that entire weekend in the hot sun, volunteering their time to sell food that was meant to pay for the school’s rent. They prepared for weeks in advance, and everyone pulled together for the event. The fact that all of their efforts were stolen from them in the blink of an eye is incredibly crushing.
“I’ve included a link to an NBC TV Story that covered the robbery. Although the story says that they lost $10,000, the thieves actually stole over $15,000. (www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Thief-Takes-10-Thousand-From-OC-Japanese-School-Fundraiser-442969203.html)
“I know that the parents at the school have too much pride to go out and ask for money. They are a resilient group, and although morale is down, they are now scrambling to find ways to cover the rent. If you can help them, that would be great. Please let them know that there are more good people than bad in this world.
“If you aren’t in the position to donate, please help them by sharing this message and link with your family and friends. You can also learn more about the school by visiting their website … www.orangecoastgakuen.org
“Here’s a link to another news story that covered the robbery: https://www.rafu.com/2017/09/orange-coast-gakuen-robbed-of-10k-at-food-fair/
“Help spread the word!”