From Immigration to Integration
Nashim Khansari, project director for citizenship at Asian Americans Advancing Justice-Los Angeles, gave a talk on “Immigration, Integration, Naturalization” on Oct. 29 at Faith United Methodist Church in Torrance. The event was co-sponsored by Greater Los Angeles JACL and Faith UMC’s Social Action Committee. A daughter of Iranian immigrants and one of three children raised by a single mother, Khansari graduated in the top 10 percent of her class at Loyola Law School and has experience in naturalization law with a focus on immigrant integration, including ESL and civics education. She discussed strategies being pursued by Advancing Justice in the current political climate. Seated, from left: Louise Sakamoto, Khansari, Janet Okubo, Miyako Kadogawa; standing, from left: Carlos Madrigal (Khansari’s husband), Ayako Okada, Toshi Asato, Mas Yamaoka, Joyce Okazaki, Mas Oshiro, Kei Sakita. (Photo by J.K. YAMAMOTO/Rafu Shimpo)