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City of Monterey Park Honors Christine Kizuka as Volunteer of the Year

Christine Kizuka (left) receives the Volunteer of the Year Award from Monterey Park Senior Citizens’ Club President Janice Uba.

MONTEBELLO — The Monterey Park Japanese American Senior Citizens’ Club held its 44th annual installation of officers and New Year’s luncheon at the Quiet Cannon Restaurant in Montebello on Jan. 21.

The mistress of ceremonies was Janice Uba, president. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Ray Mayeda. Rev. Alfred Tsuyuki of Konko Church gave the invocation. Monterey Park Mayor Mitchell Ing greeted the members and friends.

Ben Hererra, recreation superintendent of the Langley Center, welcomed Yoneko Golian, May Hamada, Kent Hara, Masaji Hatae, David Hirai, Sei Imamura, Dorothy Inouye, Irene Kanda, Yoshiko Kato, Shig Kuwahara, Yukiko Maeda, Hilda I. Oshita, James T. Oshita, Chiyeko Oshiyama, Sachiko Sasaki, Emiko Sugiura, Sadako Sumida and Henry Yasuda into the Golden 88 years–Lifetime Membership Society.

Mayor Ing and City Councilmembers Stephan Lam, Hans Liang and Peter Chan assisted in the presentation ˚of certificates from the City of Monterey Park.

Florence and Jack Miyagawa received the Meritorious Service Award.

Uba presented the 2016 Volunteer of the Year Award to Christine Kizuka, she was very dedicated in helping the seniors in every way.

“When we were serving the seniors, Christine was there,” said a club spokesperson. “For our Parking Lot Sale, potluck luncheons, bento luncheons, bingo sessions and ‘goodies’ time at our meetings, she was there. Whenever there was work to be done, Christine never said no.”

Uba presented the Meritorious Award to Jack and Florence Miyagawa, who have both served the club for many years in many ways. When the club lost its vice president in charge of setting up its annual installation of officers and New Year’s luncheon, the couple stepped up and set up the program with a smile. Delicious treats were prepared for the Parking Lot Sales and trips locally and abroad. The Miyagawas were always deeply involved in all of the senior activities.

Above and below: Monterey Park Mayor Mitchell Ing swears in the new officers.

Mayor Ing installed the following officers:

President: Janice Uba

Vice president: Stan Yamada

Recording secretary: Sally Yamada

Treasurer: Paul Isozaki

Corresponding secretary: Louise Inouye

Advisor: Bill Shishima

Audio engineer/photographer: Steve Furogawa

Parliamentarian: San Miyamoto

Installation/New Year’s luncheon: Jack Miyagawa

Craft class: Vicki Odono

Membership: Christine Kizuka

Newsletter editor: Harriet Taguchi

Program: Pat Gibo

Social: Jean Yamashita, Donna Yamashita and Jeanne Hirano

Trips and tours: Betty Burris, Gladys Itamura and Diane Matsuno

Vocalist Mark Sanwo entertains the gathering.

Trustees: Ray Yamashita (chair), Katz Hirano,G Jack Miyagawa, Leslie Shima, Harry Taguchi, Don Yamamoto and Harry Yamashita

Ways and means: Bob Miwa

About 234 members and guests were entertained by vocalist Marc Sanwo. who sang many popular Japanese songs. The attendees were excited to receive door prizes supported by members and many of local merchants throughout the Greater Los Angeles area.

Monterey Park Japanese American Citizen’s Club is one of the largest senior clubs in Southern California with 533 members. The club endeavors to improve the quality of life for senior citizens. Members enjoy recreational activities, make new friends, renew friendships and stimulate a spirit of fellowship.

The club arranges trips and tours locally and abroad, have lectures, exhibits, bingo, parking lot sales, informative meetings and a host of exciting entertainment.

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