30th Friends Author Luncheon Honoring Naomi Shibata
Grace Eto Shibata and Naomi Shibata
The Friends of Little Tokyo Branch Library will be hosting their 30th Author Recognition Luncheon on Saturday, Nov. 5, honoring author Naomi Shibata and her memoir of her mother’s life, “Bend With the Wind: The Life, Family, and Writings of Grace Eto Shibata.”
“Bend With the Wind” details the life and family story of a young Japanese American girl growing up in Central California during the incarceration camp era of the 1940s who courageously overcomes adversity and goes on to pursue her life’s dreams.
The event will be held at the Little Tokyo Branch Library, 203 S. Los Angeles St. in Los Angeles. Admission is $15 (non-members) and $12 (members), which will include a bento lunch. Prepaid registration is required by Oct. 31. Checks addressed to “Friends of Little Tokyo Branch Library” may be mailed to 203 S. Los Angeles St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.
Doors will open at 11 a.m. Books will be available on-site for purchase from Heritage Source. The Friends’ annual quilt raffle drawing and a book-signing with the author will also be held after the program.
Limited free parking for library patrons is available past the construction site on the same side (west) of Los Angeles Street as the library between Second and Third streets. For ADA accommodations, call (213) 612-0525 at least 72 hours prior to the event. For more information, email friendslittletokyo@gmail.com or visit www.FriendsOfLittleTokyoBranchLibrary.org.
Friends of Little Tokyo Branch Library is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization.