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San Diego Japanese Cultural Bazaar on Sunday

BTSD Taiko

SAN DIEGO — The annual Japanese Cultural Bazaar, a day full of food, games, displays, prizes and performances, will be held on Sunday, June 4, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Buddhist Temple of San Diego, 2929 Market St. in San Diego.

This year’s theme is “Mottainai.” The term expresses the regret at wasting the value of a resource or object and can most often be translated as “don’t be wasteful” — something we can all agree is important.

Food booths will offer teriyaki chicken, chow mein, sushi, strawberry mochi, baked goods, shaved ice, iced green tea, Mako’s (Tofu) Tacos, and Angie’s Tacos, a temple favorite. Many Japanese migrated to Mexico, just like Angie’s family, and their rich history can be tasted in her amazing tacos.

A Beer and Wine Garden sponsored by Carol Baker Real Estate will feature Kawaba Beer (Sunrise Ale and Snow Wizen), Kirin USA, Asahi Beer USA, and sake by Kuracali, who will also be doing a presentation.

Demonstrations and performances will include kendo, taiko, judo, karate, and koto. There will also be games and crafts for kids, a silent auction, and a raffle.

A pop-up shop will sell new and vintage Japanese-inspired items including art and handcrafts, supplies and materials to create your own handmade jewelry, knits and miscellaneous collectables of all kinds.

Buddhist books, accessories and altar items including incense, nenju and mala will be available at the BEC (Buddhist Education Committee) Buddhist Bookstore, located near the Information Booth.

Free and open to the public. For more information, call (619) 239-0896 or visit

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