A New Year in San Gabriel Valley
The San Gabriel Valley Japanese Community Center in Temple City held its 2018 Keiro Kai and Shinnen Kai on Jan. 27. More than 30 seniors 80 years old and above were recognized:
Hatsue Amano, Herb Amano, Mio Arata, Mariko Garrett, Ted Hashimoto, Miko Hayami, Bobbie Higa, Larry Higa, Nobi Hirakawa, Al Horibe, Sylvia Inouye, Gladys Itamura, Janet Iwata, Grace Kanada, George Kaneda, Sandy Kaneda, Yoshiko Kato, Hiro Kusumoto, Ken Matsumoto, Mabel Mayeda, Tak Murase, Tee Murashige, Kiyo Nakamoto, Ethel Nakasato, Tetsuko Ogata, Sally Shibukawa, Kay Shintaku, Kiyomi Shintaku, Sadako Sogioka, Beatrice Tabata, Shogo Tabata, Charlotte Takata, Saburo Takata, Paulo Takatsuka, Chiyo Watanabe, Henry Watanabe, Lucky Yamamoto, Sachi Yoshida, Tak Yoshida, Harold Yoshizumi.
Entertainment was provided by Taiko Center of Los Angeles (above), which taught some taiko moves to kids from the audience, and Johnny Pal Polynesian Entertainment (below).

From left: President Nathan Scott introduced the 2018 SGJCC board officers and members; Janice Uba recognized honored guests; Steve Kato led a silent prayer and New Year’s toast.
Carrie Kadohiro (holding mic) oversaw the raffle drawing.
Photos by J.K. YAMAMOTO/Rafu Shimpo